Deacon Phil’s Corner

Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / February 26, 2023

Primer domingo de Cuaresma

Emprendemos un nuevo camino de Cuaresma.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / February 26, 2023

First Sunday of Lent

Begin Lent with a goal.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / January 29, 2023

Cuarto domingo del tiempo ordinario

Un corazón contrito es una persona que no se interpone en el camino de la obra redentora de Dios y...

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / January 29, 2023

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

A contrite heart is a person who does not stand in the way of God’s redeeming work and allows the...

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / October 16, 2022

Vigésimo noveno domingo del tiempo ordinario

¿Seguimos nosotros nuestros instintos naturales con Dios?

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / October 16, 2022

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Do we follow our natural instincts with God?

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 25, 2022

Domingo XXVI del tiempo ordinario

Todo lo que recibimos es un don de Dios, incluida nuestra vida.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 25, 2022

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Everything we receive is a gift from God including our life.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 18, 2022

Vigésimo quinto domingo del tiempo ordinario

¿En qué pensamos más? ¿En el Reino de Dios y en el Cuerpo de Cristo, o sólo en nuestro propio...

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 18, 2022

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

What do we think about most? Is it the kingdom of God and the Body of Christ, or are we...

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