Deacon Phil’s Corner

Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / April 28, 2024

V Domingo de Pascua

Jesús no sólo llama a personas perfectas para hacer Su obra.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / April 28, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus does not only call perfect people to do His work.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / April 7, 2024

Domingo de la Divina Misericordia

Jesús obtuvo abundancia de gracias para cada uno de nosotros y nos ofrece una invitación a crecer a su imagen...

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / April 7, 2024

Divine Mercy Sunday

Jesus obtained an abundance of graces for each of us and offers an invitation to grow into His image and...

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / May 26, 2023

Domingo de Pentecostés

El Espíritu Santo es el Señor y el dador de toda vida.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / May 26, 2023

Pentecost Sunday

The Holy Spirit is the Lord and giver of all life.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / May 19, 2023

Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor

Hoy celebramos la ascensión de Jesús al cielo.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / May 19, 2023

The Ascension of the Lord

Today, we celebrate Jesus’ ascension into heaven.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / March 5, 2023

Segundo domingo de Cuaresma

La Transfiguración para nosotros es la historia del desarrollo espiritual.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / March 5, 2023

Second Sunday of Lent Reflection

The Transfiguration for us is the story of spiritual development.

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