Deacon Phil’s Corner

Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / October 13, 2024

XXVIII Domingo ordinario

Necesitamos decirnos a nosotros mismos y a Dios cada día: Señor, soy tu siervo y vengo a hacer tu voluntad.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / October 13, 2024

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We need to say to ourselves and to God each day, Lord I am your servant and I come to...

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 12, 2024

XXIV Domingo ordinario

Hoy, no estés ansioso ni demasiado preocupado por los eventos que están sucediendo en nuestro mundo.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 12, 2024

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today, do not be anxious or overly concerned about the events taking place in our world.

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 1, 2024

XXII Domingo ordinario

Todas las personas son amadas a la existencia por un Dios amoroso e inculcadas con el deseo de ser uno...

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / September 1, 2024

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

All people are loved into existence by a loving God and instilled with the desire to be one with God...

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / August 11, 2024

XIX Domingo ordinario

La Santísima Eucaristía es la presencia misma de Dios en un objeto tangible, el pan y el vino, porque Dios...

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / August 11, 2024

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Most Holy Eucharist is the very presence of God in a tangible object, the bread and wine, because God...

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Spanish Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / June 23, 2024

XII Domingo Ordinario

Jesús, aunque es Dios, afirmó ser igual al Padre.

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English Scripture Reflections
By Deacon Phil / June 23, 2024

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus, though He is God, did claim to be equal to the Father.

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