Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM (English),
7:00 PM (Spanish)
Sunday: 9:00 AM (English),
12:00 PM (Spanish)
Weekdays: Tuesday- Friday
9:00 AM (English)
Our Mission
We, the Catholic Church of St. Clare, inspired by our patroness Clare, commit ourselves to handing on our Catholic faith. We do this through prayer and service. As believers we welcome all to witness joyfully the love of Christ to everyone.
Nosotros, la Iglesia de Santa Clara, inspirados por nuestra patrona Clara, nos comprometemos a propagar nuestra fe Católica. Esto lo haremos a través de la Liturgia, la Oración y el servicio. Como creyentes les llamamos a ser testigos jubilosos del amor de Cristo a todos.