Lenten Opportunities
Here are some Lenten Opportunities to help deepen and strengthen your faith during Lent:
Join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
When: Sunday, March 16 @ 1:00 pm
The Parish will provide an Irish Stew Lunch and authentic Irish Music. We ask everyone to bring a dessert to share along with the recipe. We will publish the recipes for all the delicious desserts. Stop by the table in the Narthex after Mass to sign-up. The deadline to register is Tuesday, March 11.
Lenten Friday Soup & Movie Nights Return
March 7, 14, 21, & April 4
Soup is served from 5:30-6:30 pm
Movie from 6:30-8:30 pm.
Soup tickets ($5) are available after Mass and at the office.
Movie is free.
Pilgrims of Hope Book Study
Pilgrims of Hope Book Study will be offered each week of Lent immediately following the 4:00 pm & 9:00 am Masses. We will spend about 30 minutes exploring how the different parts of the Mass strengthen our hope in God’s promise of salvation and guide us along our pilgrim journey of life in Christ. All are invited.
Estudio del libro Peregrinos de esperanza
Acompáñenos a Misa y Estudio del Libro Peregrinos de Esperanza una oportunidad para explorar cómo las diferentes partes de la Misa fortalecen nuestra esperanza en la promesa de salvación de Dios y nos guían a lo largo de nuestro viaje peregrino de la vida en Cristo. Todos están invitados.
Jubilee Year of Hope
As we celebrate the Jubilee Year of Hope – 2025, we will journey to the Basilica of St. Paul in Daytona Beach to enter through the Basilica doors signifying an entry into a time of hope and grace during this year of spiritual renewal and pilgrimage.
We will begin with Mass, have the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and learn about the history of the Basilica.
We are offering two Bus Trips:
Tuesday, April 1, 5:30-9:00 pm (Mass in Spanish)
Saturday, April 5, 8:00 am-12 Noon (Mass in English)
The cost of the bus is $20.
Call the office to reserve your seat.
Año Jubilar de la Esperanza
Mientras celebramos el Año Jubilar de la Esperanza – 2025, viajaremos a la Basílica de San Pablo en Daytona Beach para entrar por las puertas de la Basílica significando una entrada en un tiempo de esperanza y gracia durante este año de renovación espiritual y peregrinación. Comenzaremos con la Misa, tendremos la oportunidad del Sacramento de la Reconciliación, y aprenderemos sobre la historia de la Basílica.
Ofrecemos dos viajes en autobús:
Martes, 1 de abril, 5:30-9:00 pm (Misa en español)
Sábado, 5 de abril, 8:00 am-12 Mediodía (Misa en Inglés)
El costo del autobús es de $20.
Llame a la oficina para reservar su asiento.
Taizé Prayer Evening
Friday, March 28 @ 7:00 pm
Taizé Prayer is a simple, meditative form of worship, calling us to dwell deeply on Christ’s presence around and within us. Music, prayerful silence, and short readings guide the focus of the prayer in a candle-lit environment.
Misa del viernes a las 12 del mediodía
Por favor, únase a nosotros para la Misa en español los viernes durante la Cuaresma a las 12 del mediodía.
FORMED: 40 Days to Grace and Glory
This Lent, Formed invites you to journey with Dr. Tim Gray by signing up for Daily Lenten Reflections. Each day you will receive in your inbox a short video which features Dr. Gray commenting on the daily Mass readings, explaining the Scriptures, and providing you with concrete ideas on how to apply them to your life.
FREE for Parishioners
Click here to register!
FORMED: 40 Días para la Gracia y la Gloria
Esta Cuaresma, Formed te invita a viajar con el Dr. Tim Gray suscribiéndote a las Reflexiones Diarias de Cuaresma. Cada día recibirás en tu bandeja de entrada un breve vídeo en el que el Dr. Gray comenta las lecturas de la misa diaria, explica las Escrituras y te da ideas concretas sobre cómo aplicarlas a tu vida.
GRATIS para los feligreses
Haga clic aquí para registrars.