Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday Readings

Reflection on Scripture

In the movie, “Field of Dreams”, we hear the saying “If you build it they will come.” This statement was in reference to building a ballfield in the middle of nowhere that would attract fans from all over.

Sometimes, we can liken that saying to the practice of Christianity. For centuries we have built magnificent churches around the world hoping to attract people to gather in these great places of art and engineering achievement.

On Pentecost Sunday, the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles gathered in the upper room, where they had been for the last fifty days. The spirit of God appeared as tongues of fire upon the heads of the Apostles and they were given the the wisdom and knowledge of the mysteries of God and commissioned and sanctified to take that message to the ends of world.

The upper room is now empty and has been for two thousand years the same as Jesus’ tomb has been empty. On Pentecost, the Church was created, and the Church was and is a missionary church. In essence, we can say that God has built the Church, and the Church will come to you.

Scripture tells us that God has chosen to dwell in the hearts of His people. God challenged David to build a house of worship great enough to contain the God of everything. We as a Church are fluent and constantly in search of the people who are lost and not living the life in the Spirit and the live of salvation and redemption. Our structures are magnificent, but we need remember that God is present in these structures in the Word and Sacrament and in the servants who attend to the people and in the people.

We gather on Sundays to be nourished by the Word and Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. We share with our brothers and sisters our common faith and belief in salvation. Then we go forth, dismissed at the conclusion of Mass, to go forth. We are commissioned today to do what the Apostles did on Pentecost Sunday. The treasure we hold within us is of immeasurable worth, and yet, we hold this treasure in earthen vessels made of flesh and bone and very corruptible.

The Church celebrates its presence in the world as Jesus did. We celebrate where there is hatred and a lack of love. We celebrate where there is despair and a lack of hope. We celebrate with the marginalized and disenfranchised and we accept people where they are without judgment or prejudice but with only the love God has given us.

If we go out and meet the people where they are, they will come. May these many people find in us the joy of the spirit and a furor to do the will of God and bring all people to salvation.

The upper room is empty. The tomb is empty. And we go forth with strength and courage to proclaim Jesus is Lord and to give glory to our Father in heaven.

Deacon Phil