Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Readings
Reflection on Scripture
“He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people”.
Paul in describing Jesus tells us in today’s Epistle, that Jesus took on our humanity so He could be the perfect high priest and reconcile us to the Father from whom we were separated by the sin of Adam.
There are moments when I ask, “Why did the son of God have to become human and die for our sins?
Before Adam ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, God had created him as perfect as He intended, and Adam was without sin. When Adam disobeyed God, sin entered the world and all people born from that moment forward would be born into original sin. To reconcile us to the Father, the only one who could accomplish this had to be a perfect human being without the stain of original sin. The Son of God in His humanity was the only one who could bring about the salvation of mankind and forgiveness for the sins of many.
Jesus followed the law of Moses and was obedient in all ways to the law that He would eventually perfect. The Jewish custom, given to Moses, was that all males be circumcised as infants. Thus, on this day described in the Gospel, Jesus’ parents presented Him in the Temple to be consecrated to the Lord.
Simeon, a pious and holy man, he immediately recognized the child presented as the one who was to come into the world and God granted him the insight to foresee what the child and His mother would suffer as He fulfilled His destiny.
In our tradition, another pious and holy man, through the power of the Holy Spirit, was blessed with knowledge and understanding concerning the presence of God. Brother Lawrence, a Carmelite friar, presented a series of teachings entitled “The practice of the presence of God”. His writings instruct us in the discipline to recognize the presence of God in the ordinariness of daily life. His discipline is called “contemplation” which is a complete immersion of our will to the will of God in everything we do, and, in every place, we find ourselves.
If we practice the presence of God, we dedicate each day to bringing about the kingdom of God on earth, recognizing the presence of God In ourselves and in the people we meet. All our works are sanctified by the Holy Spirit and all our actions become supernatural virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
Today, we need to ask where did we encounter Jesus this week? At home cleaning or fixing the house, in the supermarket or another store, or in the silence of just be present to Jesus in the current moment? Contemplation is the fruit of the Spirit in action for those who live their Baptismal promises, frequently partake of the Bread of Life, are rooted in Scripture, and spend time in meditating on the Word of God.
The God of glory is returning. So many will not recognize him because they never knew Him intimately. For the few who proclaim Him in word and action, they will welcome Him and give thanks to God the Father for so great a favor. Which path will you seek today?
Deacon Phil