Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings

As we approach the end of the Liturgical Year, we celebrate the coming of the Lord in glory.  We are reminded to be prepared for we do not know the day or time of His return.  A person recently asked me if I thought we were in the end times?  My reply was that we are always in the end times and each day draws us closer to the moment of Christ’s return.

How should we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord in glory?  If we are true to our Baptismal promises that we reject Satin and all his lies and all his evil ways, we are on the right path.  If we pray with fervor, as though it is our last opportunity to be in conversation with God, then we are on the right path.  If we are not consumed with what will be, but instead we are absorbed with performing corporal and spiritual works of mercy, then we are on the right path.  If we allow the Holy Spirit into our hearts and into our lives daily, we are on the right path.  If we forgive 70 times 7, we are on the right path.  And if we believe with all our heart, will all our mind, and with all our strength that Jesus is Lord, we are on the right path.

Maranta (Come Lord Jesus).

Deacon Phil